Saturday, July 11, 2009

I made JAM!

This summer I had a desire to do more myself, to stop buying pre-made, prepackaged, and full of unknown chemicals. I want to know how to do more for my family. So here is my first effort ever at making jam. Its strawberry as strawberries are in season. My mother who claims never to have made jam helped me on my first adventure, it was great fun!
Here are the strawberries I picked in the morning- I couldn't have made fresher jam!
Look at all of the jam I made, I am proud of myself.
I made 3 different varieties of strawberry jam, a long boil (medium sugar) it is the dark jar, classic strawberry (lots of sugar), and a low sugar version.

Yay jam!


  1. Thanks, I hope to try tomatoes later in the summer. I really enjoy doing things from scratch, there is something so great about knowing exactly what went in to something you make.
